Saturday, November 16, 2013

Heart and Soul

First, I am not a writer, I do wish I could put into words all that I would want to say or feel.  I have another blog that for some reason I can no longer get into.  So, I have come here to continue my love of quilts and quilting.  You may wonder why I chose the name He(art) and Soul for my blog, heArt has the word art in it and art has Heart, Soul is something inside us that hides and can find a way of coming out and is who we are.  No matter what kind of art you may do, it comes from your soul and is done with your heart.  So take pride in it and continue to search and create.
Here, I will hope to share my love of quilting and fabric and all that goes with those.
If  you were following my last blog, I hope you will follow my new one and join me in the adventures of quilting.


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